Sunday 19 December 2010

People I may mention on Twitter - A Guide

Bit busy at the moment but have realised that on twitter I mention lots of people who mean a lot to me but followers who don't really know much about me will not have a clue who I'm talking about. I will usually explain who people are but there are some names that I use so much, there's no point explaining every time and it would be a waste of my 140 characters anyway. So in these cases, you've either figured it out or have been thoroughly confused since you started following me. So here is a vague guide if anyone is wondering who I'm talking about. You may not really care but just in case...

Mum/Kate/@kateeroberts – my wonderful mother
Dad/Nick/@NickKRoberts – my amazing father
Ben/Benedict/brother – my lovely but occasionally difficult autistic 12-year-old brother
Granny – my Granny (obviously)
Harry – lovely ginger cat
Phoebe – mad black kitten
Emma/@emmadpearce – best friend
Izzy/@_izzyy – best friend since I was born

Most other people I talk about on twitter are on twitter themselves so I mention them with their @username. There are probably more but you are probably bored now and my back hurts and I need to go to bed. Bye bye x

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